NARBO - Network of Asian River Basin Organizations

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Newsletter 31st Issue - NARBO Forests -1 August, 2017

Newsletter 31st Issue

NARBO Forests

NARBO (Network of Asian River Basin Organizations) is a collaborative network of river basins in Asia to realize integrated water resources management (IWRM). The purpose of NARBO is to help create IWRM that intends to stregthen relationships among river management practitioners in Asia and to have the members feedback among them to become good water resources management practitioners.

Jasa Tirta II Public Corporation (PJT II) is one of the water resources management organizations in Indonesia that joined NARBO in March 2003. This organization became a place of discussions with other water resources management practitioners in Asia who wanted to become better management practioners. PJT II believes that the existence of NARBO has made PJT II become better than before in managing water resources in Indonesia.

NARBO Forest is one of the embodiment of the spirit of togetherness among the members. It was implemented with the notion of conservation of forest. This program is similar to the government program of the National Movement for Water Rescue Partnership (GNKPA).

NARBO forest is located in Ubrug Village as a part of Ir H Djuanda Green Belt. It was established on 14 February, 2006 as part of the activities of NARBO 2nd General Meeting. NARBO forest covers about 20.000 m2. The original idea came from Mr. Hideshi Sasahara, Vice Secretary General of NARBO (Director, International Affairs of Japan Water Agency).


Picture 1. Location of NARBO Forest

NARBO FOREST On 22 February, 2017 Indonesia hosted the 6th General Meeting. NARBO forest became one of the destinations for a field visit. Around 150 trees were planted in the NARBO Forest by all participants from 15 countries. Those planted were fruit trees likeRambutan, Avocado, Mango, etc). They will protect the land from erosion and will maintain the sustainability of water sources when they grow larger. NARBO forest established at Jatiluhur area was not only materialized by NARBO member but also by many stakeholders of water resources. In addition, NARBO Forest will give another benefit to the society around forest in producing fruit.


Picture 2. NARBO Forest on 22 February, 2017 (6th GM NARBO)

For supporting of integrated water resources management, PJT II has several programs related to the objectives of NARBO, that is flood management, conservation of upstream to downstream of Citarum river basin, waste management and monthly coordination with related stakeholders in water resources management.

  1. Flood Management
    PJT II has responsibilities in flood management. In realizing a proper flood management program, PJT II is cooperating with several domestic and international institutions (KOICA & JICA), dealing with several programs such as telemetry system and flood forecasting system.
  2. Environmental Conservation
    Conservation work to preserve the environment is routinely conducted by PJT II for upstream to downstream areas.
  3. Waste Management
    The waste management program currently undertaken by PJT II is the biogas project. The objective of this program is to reduce the waste generated upstream by utilizing it as energy resources that can be used by the society around the site.
  4. Monthly Coordination
    PJT II is the management body of Ir H Djuanda Dam. The dam is one of the cascade dams in the Citarum river basin. There are two dams above the Ir H Djuanda Dam, that are Saguling Dam and Cirata Dam. Those three dams are managed by different management organizations and different goals. To properly coordinate among them, the dam management organizations (Saguling, Cirata and Djuanda) hold monthly meetings to carry out operations in accordance with the agreement of three dam management organizations, based on weather conditions predicted by BMKG, condition of river flow forecasts by PUSAIR and electricity load regulator by PT PLN P2B.
    One of the important things the government assigned to PJT II is raw water fulfillment for DMI (Domestic, Municipal and Industry) and Irrigation related to National Food Security.

With PJT II's current programs, it hopes to became a better water resources management practitioner and can share experiences with other water resources management organizations in Asia.