NARBO - Network of Asian River Basin Organizations

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The organizations and networks related to water resources

  • APO: The Asian Productivity Organization (APO) was established by Convention on 11 May 1961 as a regional intergovernmental organization. Its mission is to contribute to the socioeconomic development of Asia and the Pacific through enhancing productivity.
  • ARSIT: Association for Rainwater Storage and Infiltration Technology (ARSIT) was established on 3rd April 1991 in accordance with the official permission by the Ministry of Construction of Japan. ARSIT executes investigation, research and development related to the technology to store and infiltrate rainwater.
  • Bureau of Sewerage Tokyo Metropolitan Government
    This site is about the Bureau of Sewerage, Tokyo Metropolitan Governmnet which is doing sewerage works in Tokyo Prefecture except Tama District.
  • ESCAP: United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
  • Foundation for Riverfront Improvement and Restoration
    The key purpose of the Foundation for Riverfront Improvement and Restoration is to promote research and development in regard to riverfront improvement, use, and conservation, based upon comprehensive understanding of rivers, lakes, seacoasts, and their surrounding land areas.
  • allow i - learning [UNESCO-IHE]
  • IFM Help Desk[WMO]
    Established in June 2009, by Technical Support Unit in the Hydrology and Water Resources Branch of WMO, the IFM HelpDesk is supported by a number of cooperative organizations (Support Base Partners). The Support Base Partners provide voluntary services to provide technical advice and guidance in the development of integrated flood management policy, strategy and institutional reform. These services are demand-driven and are channeled through the HelpDesk facility.
  • IFNet
    The International Flood Network (IFNET) has as its objective to facilitate international cooperation in flood management.
    - to reduce the loss of life and damage caused by floods
    - to promote policies and practices which can break the vicious circle of poverty and environmental degradation and lead to a safe and sustainable future.
    The INWEPF is established to provide a forum to realize the three challenges by promoting dialogue, exchanging knowledge and experiences, creating synergy among existing forums and strengthening capacity building in agricultural water management in paddy fields with due consideration for environmental aspects.
  • Japan Meteorological Agency
  • JWF: Japan Water Forum
  • JWWA: Japan Water Works Association
    Japan Water Works Association (JWWA) was established with the authorization of the then Minister of Interior on May 12, 1932. JWWA is a nonprofit foundation which performs various activities for the purpose of ensuring the propagation of water supplies and their sound development.
  • National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management (NILIM)
    This site is introduction of the NILIM which carries out comprehensive surveys, testing, research and technology development to support the planning and enactment of Ministry of Land Infrastructure and Transportation policies concerning technologies related to housing and infrastructure in order to utilize, develop and preserve the national land.
  • PWRI: Public Works Research Institute
  • The 2nd Asia-Pacific Water Summit
  • The Bureau of Waterworks, Tokyo Metropolitan Government
    This site is introduction of the bureau of waterworks which supply water to the 23-ward area and to 25 cities in Tokyo Metropolitan.
  • WEPA
    Water Environment Partnership in Asia (WEPA), in cooperation with 11 countries in East Asia, aims to promote good governance in water environment management by providing necessary, relevant information and knowledge, through a series of databases.