NARBO - Network of Asian River Basin Organizations

Top > Terms of Use

Terms of Use

All contents of the NARBO Web Site (hereafter referred to as "the Website") are retained by NARBO Secretariat or Japan Water Agency.


Reprinting or copying the whole or a part of the information on the Website is not permitted, except for private use. It is not permitted to use the information on the Website for commercial purposes, such as advertisements or the sale of commodities.


Reasonable care has been taken with respect to the security of this site. However, we cannot guarantee that all possible errors in the content and errors resulting from falsification(modification) by third parties or the like have been excluded. Therefore, we accept no liability for any damage that users might suffer from the use of the Website and/or the information on the Website. This site includes the content, links and other information produced by third parties for the convenience of the users. JWA shall not accept liability for this information or its translation.

Link Notice to the Website

Your Web Sites to link the Website are welcome at any time. However, any related sites linked by other parties should be notified to the NARBO administrator immediately by sending us email massage with URL to Any inappropriate or undesirable contents of the linked sites may be eliminated from the Website at the discretion of the Website administrator. If you wish to put our URL on your Website, please link it on the homepage.

Recommended Browsing

Internet Explorer6.0 or higher, Chrome ,Firefox, Safari, Opera